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Mexican Institute of Transportation

The Mexican Institute of Transportation (IMT) is an institution of the Department of Communications and Transportation (SCT) of the Mexican Government, created by a presidential agreement on April 15, 1987. The IMT seeks to contribute with the scientific and technological advancement of Mexico.

Its mission is to support, in coordination with the SCT, the integral development of the transportation sector, both public or private, by means of scientific research, technological innovation and development of norms and specifications, in order to help improve safety, quality, reliability and efficiency of transportation and communication infrastructure and its related services, taking into account the impact on society and on the environment. It also participates in the training and continuous education of the human resources of the transportation sector.

The vision of the IMT is to develop applied research of the highest quality, and to be considered the scientific and technological entity of the SCT by means of a close liaison and full technical integration. The research projects conducted by the IMT are to be useful, with national and international recognition, conducted at certified laboratories set with high-tech specialized equipment. Moreover, the IMT has established a training and education program that results in highly qualified personnel who then contributes to the integral development of the Mexican transportation sector.

The IMT has a General Director who reports to the SCT. The Director has eight academic and one administrative department head under his supervision. The main research fields, of each department are:

      Department of Transportation Safety and Operation.
Highway-safety problems as well as highway and rail transportation performance.

      Department of Integrated Transportation
Multi-modal transportation, air and maritime transportation, and intelligent transportation systems.

      Department of Transportation Economics
Transportation economy and its impact on regional development.

      Department of Technological Development
Structural engineering applications to transportation, and it manages the Training & Educational Program which involves 16 graduate programs at various public universities.

      Department of Regulations
Proposal and updating of regulations construction and maintenance of the infrastructure of all modes of transportation.

      Department of Infrastructure
Soil mechanics, pavement behavior, rock mechanics and impact of transportation infrastructure and operation on the environment.

      Department of Vehicle Engineering and Structural Integrity
Corrosion process in structures, vehicle dynamics, structural evaluation of bridges and vehicles, and fuel (energy) economy.

      Department of Port Engineering and Geospatial Systems.
Maritime hydraulics, port and coastal engineering, physical and numerical models, field measurements and design of protecting structures, geographical information systems (GIS) and global positioning systems (GPS)

IMT has focused on the continuous improvement of its work and has obtained the ISO 9001-2000 certification of its processes. Twenty of IMT’s laboratory tests have been officially certified.